The Sensitive’s Guide to Savouring Life

Explore a collection of heartfelt letters and insightful articles centred around embodied healing, Self-leadership practices, and slow, intentional living specifically crafted for sensitive souls.

When Parks Speak: Discover the Secret Language that Lies Within

When Parks Speak: Discover the Secret Language that Lies Within

Lately, I’ve felt as if I’m standing in the middle of a bustling marketplace, overwhelmed by multiple clamouring voices vying for my attention. Each voice represents a part of me, with its own needs, fears, and desires. It’s an intricate dance of inner dialogue, and at times, it feels like I’m being pulled in every direction.

Does this resonate? Have you ever felt like you’re managing an entire cast of characters within yourself?

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8 Simple, Foundational Habits Every Sensitive Needs for Daily Balance
Embodiment, Embodied Healing, Holistic wellness Elia Kanak Rajah Embodiment, Embodied Healing, Holistic wellness Elia Kanak Rajah

8 Simple, Foundational Habits Every Sensitive Needs for Daily Balance

In times like these, when the world feels like it's spinning at an unforgiving pace, being a sensitive soul can feel more of a challenge than a blessing. Perhaps you too might find that the noise, the demands, and the relentless rush is leaving you feeling overwhelmed, as if the world is asking you to sprint when all you want to do is walk at your own gentle pace.

I understand this feeling deeply, and it's why I want to talk about the importance of foundational habits—those simple, yet powerful practices that act as the bedrock for nurturing your sensitive nature. These are my eight foundational habits, and without them, I find that any other efforts I make to find balance in my life just aren’t as effective.

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The Power of Setting Intentions for Sensitives
Intentional Living, Mindfulness Elia Kanak Rajah Intentional Living, Mindfulness Elia Kanak Rajah

The Power of Setting Intentions for Sensitives

For those of us who are highly sensitive, intentions often resonate more deeply because they offer a gentle framework that honours our emotional landscape. Rather than pushing us towards a rigid endpoint, intentions invite us to explore our inner worlds and outer actions with curiosity and compassion.

When we think about intentions and goals, it might seem like we're splitting hairs, but there's a world of difference between them.

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Embracing the Present: A Heartfelt Connection as 2024 Draws to a Close
Elia Kanak Rajah Elia Kanak Rajah

Embracing the Present: A Heartfelt Connection as 2024 Draws to a Close

There’s always a buzz of electric energy around this time of the year - when the days reach the zenith of shortest daylight hours in the Northern hemisphere while simultaneously welcoming the longest daylight hours in the Southern hemisphere.

Do you feel the magic of this season in the air?

A time for celebrations of all kinds, and lively gatherings with family and friends, and simultaneously a time for retreating inward to reflect on the year that has passed and to plan for the year that is fast approaching.

Though I’m usually the type of person who loves reflecting on the past and imagining the future yet to come, I am feeling a call to take time to stay rooted in the present moment in these final days of 2024.

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Are You Sensitive? Identifying, Understanding, and Honouring Your Sensitive Nature
Sensitivity as strength Elia Kanak Rajah Sensitivity as strength Elia Kanak Rajah

Are You Sensitive? Identifying, Understanding, and Honouring Your Sensitive Nature

Across many cultures, sensitivity is often regarded as a sign of weakness, a burden or a personality flaw that needs to be fixed. It is also often misunderstood as solely a female trait which leads to even harsher treatment of males who may display any signs of high sensitivity.

In truth, being sensitive doesn't equate to weakness; rather, it's akin to possessing an internal compass finely tuned to the emotional landscapes around you.

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The path to embodying our hidden wholeness
Embodiment Elia Kanak Rajah Embodiment Elia Kanak Rajah

The path to embodying our hidden wholeness

Just because the world has been hard on you, does not mean you should be hard (or harder) on yourself. Hardening our hearts, and toughening up can hide our wounds but they do not heal them. And when we hide what has not been healed, we miss out on the joy of living from our wholeness, and instead settle for a divided life.

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9 lessons I’m embodying through Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Embodiment Elia Kanak Rajah Embodiment Elia Kanak Rajah

9 lessons I’m embodying through Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

The lessons I share here are not isolated to the practice of yoga on its own, but are highly relevant and supportive to the way we live our lives as well. In fact, yoga is a way of life (and not just a physical asana practice, limited to one hour on a mat). These lessons arrived in my being as the fruits of my practice and now I offer them to you, in hopes that they too may plant seeds of hope and peace within you, and invite your curiosity to explore the depths of your being through yoga or a different form of embodiment practice.

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