Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy
“You are a human being of many ages, and you carry the wound of ages. But you also carry the light of divinity inside your DNA, and this will continue to shine even when you may have forgotten it.”
Richard Rudd
Are you struggling with getting the simple, everyday things done on time?
Maybe you are noticing it is getting harder and harder to check things off your to-do list, and the longer the list gets, the more overwhelmed you feel, and the more you procrastinate and try to bury your head in the sand.
Do you feel like you’re on the verge of breaking down at any moment?
You’re doing your best to hold your feelings in, but you cannot help but find yourself breaking down into tears at random and often inconvenient times during work. You just feel so emotional and vulnerable but you’re not sure why or how to make it stop.
Do you have many conflicting inner thoughts and feelings that are driving you insane?
Your inner world seems chaotic and confusing. You feel like you’re going crazy as you have so many contradicting thoughts and feelings about the same situation, that you’re not sure who you truly are or what it is that you want anymore.
Do you want to just get over this period of ‘slump’ and get back to your ‘normal’?
Perhaps you’re confused about what you need to do but you feel desperate to just get over this period of being in a ‘slump’ or not feeling like yourself, and go back to your normal way of functioning, like you always have.
Explore your inner landscape
of thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and behaviours through a non-judgemental, non-pathologising, and compassionate psychotherapeutic approach.
If you are a sensitive person or an empath, and are highly impacted by your own past traumas, or ongoing systemic trauma, or by the traumas you are being exposed to through your professional role, IFS therapy might support you in unpacking the root causes of your current symptoms or struggles in life and offer relief from the burdens (personal, intergenerational or cultural) you may be carrying within you.
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
is a powerful, empowering, and transformative paradigm of psychotherapy developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz. A fundamental assumption of the IFS model is that we are all a living, breathing system of interconnected parts (i.e. subpersonalities), and we each have access to a core Self which is capable of healing our parts and leading us towards a more fulfilling existence. IFS is a non-pathologizing and expansive system for understanding our inner psychology and an effective system for healing our wounds. You may learn more about IFS here.
Wellness is the fruit of being.
It flows naturally within you and all around you when you are deeply at rest (or in alignment) with your core nature (Self).
To be well is your birthright and your responsibility. Our collective wellness depends on you reclaiming your individual wellness.
Goals of IFS Therapy
Through the process of unburdening our parts of their wounds and traumas, they become less constrained and can then shift into preferred roles in our internal system.
We each have a true Self and it is a natural leader within our system of parts. As a natural leader, our Self energy respects the inputs from other parts, who in turn are willing to respect Self to effectively lead and heal our system internally and externally.
When we learn to differentiate our parts from our true Self, and access more Self energy within, we can use our Self energy to help our parts get along and work together in harmony. This supports inner balance and acceptance of our wholeness.
As we each heal as individuals, and are able to access our Self more often, we can bring the same healing energy of our Self to others and the world.
Reach out.
Interested in exploring IFS therapy but unsure how it works? Or are you curious to learn more about whether this form of therapy is right for you? Book a complimentary 30-min clarity call with me using the link below, and let’s start talking.